Cold comforts

One food trend of the past couple of years shows little signs of simmering down. I’m talking here of “bone broth”, which gained a higher profile thanks in part to its popularity among folks following the Paleo diet, which advocates eating some version of a stone age diet.

Bone broth is still everywhere, and you know a trend has hit a funny bone when family pets can find matching versions of people foods. That’s right, you can even buy “bone broth” specially made for Fido! Hmm…give a dog a bone, and you feed him for a day. Give a dog bone broth, and you nourish him for a lifetime? Whatever the idea behind it, there is a lot of bone broth going around!

November was unusually cold, and three weeks of hectic travel to, within, and back from India, saw us arrive home in Vancouver in just the perfect stage of exhaustion to fall prey to the first passing flu virus. And that’s precisely what we did. So, November, creaked by, all aching bones, bleary eyes, and boxes of tissue.

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